Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dear Thata,

Good Day! This is Sharath your grand son living in Bangalore.

We remember you always for all the good things you taught us in life while growing up as kids. As kids Bellary was our Disney Land as we used to visit Bellary on every summer holidays. The car journey from Davangere to Bellary was packed with full of excitement and energy as we used to eagerly wait to jump into your palatial home and get your blessings and meet all family members.

You taught us the power of simplicity and discipline; you showed us that by following Gandhian principles, good habits and healthy food, a person can live for 100 years. You taught me how to read horoscope so that I can find my best soul mate…. My beautiful wife is eagerly waiting to meet you and get your blessings. You are remembered as a Magic Thata with a golden hand who cherished in all the business you started.

You supported and gave strength to me and family members in our good times as well as in bad times. You are a living legend, role model and inspiration for generations to come. I remember the famous quote from Indira Gandhi on grandfather

“My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work, and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group. There was much less competition”
Indira Gandhi

Anyway me and my wife planning to visit you in Bellary soon….we prayed to God to give you more strength and energy for many more years to come.

With your Blessings….

Your Grand Son
Sharath Channageri

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