Thursday, September 9, 2010

Radhika Remembers

Dearest Thata

I have three words to describe you


I have great memories of you to share …One incident that comes to my mind is

I was in Bellary during my summer vacation…..and Babu was teaching me how to drive a Car. We both got up early in the morning and decided to take your FIAT CAR without your permission for the ride. As I was still a student driver….I crashed your car in the ditch. Car was badly damaged….but luckily we both escaped with no injuries. We were so stressed out to tell you ……Believe me ! It took lot of guts for both of us to land in your room in front of you to tell our car story. My dear cousin Babu took the blame on him that he crashed the car. “ I was totally shaken up” …..You were so smart in recognizing the real culprit. When Babu said “ Thata I crashed your Car”.
You said” I can look at faces and can tell who actually crashed the Car”. At that moment I knew …”I was dead meat”. But …Instead you just smiled and said “ Be Careful next time”. It was a shock for us…Not getting Yelled from Thata.

The reason I say this because On Outside you appear very strict like a Army Sergeant….but inside you are very kind and caring. After this incident I was never scared of you ….I understood you .

Usually, Life is a give and take proposition…But In your case, You have always given your time, energy, love and advice and not expect anything in return ….Just shows your simplicity .

I want to wish you A very Joyous Happy 96 th Birthday. One of the biggest,warmest and gratifying rewards that any Grand Daughter can ask for is to have you as her GRANDPA.

“You are still Guarding/holding the Fort”.


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