Wednesday, September 29, 2010


My Dad “Self Made Man”


F.....Fantastic and Forgiving
A.... Active and Athletic
H....Healthy, Helping, and Honorable
R....Radiant, Rational, and Responsible

When Baby (Rajani) asked me to write about you, the first thought that came to my mind is how you managed to raise 11 children plus others. You took RESPONIBILITY of raising distant family members….by providing an education, good living,getting them jobs, performed their weddings.
Thus you settled their lives.

Radhika kept asking me “ How did you feel about tatha as a child? “. I said “ He was a TERROR”….and I shared my secret with her,”when I was a teenager, me being a social person.I would hang out and visit my friends. Numerous times I came home late and I would sneak through the back door(my little sisters Baby and Chandri or my sister-in-law Indravathi one of them would open the back door for me, so I would’nt get caught). we were all very SCARED of you “.

I also saw the other side of you .your GENEROUS and HELPING nature. I remember as a family we all would prepare milk with milk powder and would serve it to all the poor people on sabapathi street near lakshmi iron mart. CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME. We all learnt this at a very young age.

I very well remember visits to LEPROSY COLONY every year on your birthday to distribute rugs, bed sheets, food etc to the people in need. This is how you celebrated your birthday.

Also, Durning your business trips to Bombay and Bangalore, You brought us games like ludo, chess, trade,chinese checker, view master etc…You kept us up to date with the games .

After I completed my SSLC. I stopped going to school and I spent good 8 to 10 yrs helping my MOM at home . I was her right hand doing household chores. It was one of the BEST TIMES OF MY LIFE….This real experience came in handy and I was put to test after I got married and moved to
yet an other big family(my in laws). Shortly after, My mother in law Radhamma passed away and I had to step in her shoes, took her position of running the show. Even though I was a young bride, taking responsibility came very naturally to me without complaining only because of the time I had spent helping my MOM ( PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE WAS MY MOM) and also because of good upbringing and morals that you both taught me.

Ayya, You have numerous good qualities, but one that I feel I inherited from you and put in practice is WORK IS WORSHIP, which is the best asset I have.

I tell you today I am very proud to be born to you and mom. As your daughter I will try to follow your
foot steps to make this life purposeful and worthwhile to live.

Neeku Priyamaina Kuthuru
Devi ( Devaleela)

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