Tuesday, February 1, 2011

PVC is our God

As we all believe, the creation of LIFE was made by the ultimate personality "GOD", though we can't sense him we still believe "GOD", - POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY (THATA) - is our 'GOD' I can say who was present with all of us and will be in our hearts.

One cannot describe the greatness of a person in words, we can just admire and follow the great person foot steps.

Building a big family all with the silver spoon is not an easy task, and healthy living in this environment for 97 years is just WOW!, one cannot express it by words. I have never seen a person having over 100 children, grand children & *great grand children*, & I know will never see it again in LIFE.

I am proud and happy to say others that I am his - 'GREAT GRAND SON'. Since I was born, when I hear the name POLA, 1st thing I get in my mind is POLA thata and the family tree in his house, everytime when I went to his house I see my name and feel happy and still feeling the same.

When I was in school all my teachers & canteen keepers were saying me your POLA Thatha was coming wearing GANDHI TOPI in a Fiat car, & should learn to do business like him. "Uff"! I'll keep continuing my editions more and more - "GREAT GRAND FATHER".

We miss you & Love you Thatha. We make you LIVE forever by following your principles and by loving you.

THANK YOU for giving me this LIFE.

Varun Narsepalli
(Con Gen)


Sowbhagya Lakshmi Jaji

Saturday, January 29, 2011


The life and functioning style of pujya Late SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY was a saga of human excellence. He was karma yogin to the core and always guided by his own consciousness and intellect. He shuns idle talk and always believes in hard work with discipline and dedication. He was a parama bhaktha in essence and digested Geeta sara, which manifested in all his actions.

His gruhasthashrama is a guide and an eye opener to all his successors. His business life started with a paltry sum and he toiled hard and expanded it to the present stage. His marriage with Smt.Balalakshmamma, who brought all the fortunes to him and he is blessed with Lakshmi kataksha from the day she (his sahadharma charini) entered his life.

His indomitable spirit and confidence in the ultimate reality sustained him in the tragic events faced in his own life. He was never depressed or suppressed by the play of the destiny and believed Geeta shloka:
Ananyaa chintayantho mam
Ye janah paryupasate
Teshaam Nityabhi yukthanam
Yoga kshemam Vahamyaham.

He was a Gandhian from head to toe and also a three dimensioned personality. He is aware of his responsibilities towards the society he lives and contributed his might and wealth to its service. He was actively involved in the establishment and smooth functioning of many institutions including Raghava Kala Mandir and Vasavi Kalyana Mandiram. His preference to "Service above self" was so much that it made him to start "Pola Balalakshmamma Kalyana Bhavan" at his own residential premises.

He strived for the upliftment of the Harijans. He regularly served food and clothes to the people at the leprosy colony.

He is fond of Guru seva with shraddha and bhakthi and was the cause of the establishment of Shivananda Ashram, Bellary even at the ripen age of 85. He is an epitome of simple living and high thinking, never tempted to exposures of wealth.
He trained his family members also in a similar fashion and he inspired them to serve humanity and love the less privilaged.

Let us re-dedicate our lives to emulate his noble example and feel his chaitanya around us. We pray may his soul rest in peace.

-Gondi Keshava Lakshmi Narayana


As the saying goes “Simple living and high thinking”, the simpler we live our lives the more truth we’ll have in our world,
The more love,
The more respect,
The more care…
This is what I have learnt from my Grand Father SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY. I can undoubtedly tell that he’s the only person I have ever come across who has made full justice to the word ‘SIMPLICITY’. He started wearing khadi at the age of 16 and he lived up to his decision till the last day.
I am running out of words to talk about him. I remember the words he told me when I was a kid “Always stretch your arm forward to give and never talk about it” and he lived his entire life just that way. Am sure that I’ll live up to his expectations and make him proud. All the scoldings I had had from him moulded me to tackle with the life’s hurdles single handedly and stay strong.
He was both my Grandpa (dad’s side) and my Great Grandpa (mom’s side) but always played the role of a father first, not just for me but my entire family.
He was the guide and tutor to all his siblings and their siblings and also to the people of Bellary. I wanted to share so much with him but I was always apprehensive to approach him because I doubted if I could ever match up to his stringent principles, to his wisdom, to his knowledge. His service towards the society and his charitable attitude proves him to be a real legend and a true Gandhian.
“When I hear somebody sigh, Life is hard I am always tempted to ask, Compared to what?” was his attitude. I’ve never seen him go weak even during Grand mom’s death, he accepted it as God’s command and never complained.
He was a true disciple of Swami Vivekananda and never went against his principles. I saw him as a person in my Grandpa. He was no less than God and his room no less than a temple and those positive vibes that you garnered when you met him were the proof. 
As they say that a book cannot be read  if held too close to one’s eyes is just what am going through right now, he’s so close to my heart that I feel there is lots to tell about him but yet there’s nothing left. He’s just gone, a little shining star of the sky now, and we all have to move on.
Last but not the least, we miss you grandpa and you’ll always be a part of our lives. You are the only person I always worship and admire and will do it till my last breath. Love u Grandpa..         
-  Pooja  Pola

Friday, January 28, 2011

Our beloved tatha

“The measure of a man’s greatness is not the number of servants he had, but
the number of people he served”

It is not possible to describe the true genius of our THATHA in a couple of words.

As Bheeshmacharya was known as “pithamahaa”, such that we call our beloved
great grandfather “SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY” as “pithamahaa” of pola family.

 Without a shadow of a doubt, my great grandfather is the single most
influential person in many of our lives. He was a corporate visionary an
unmatched strategist, a leader of men , an architect of success, a sweet

His life journey is reminiscent of the rags to riches story,he was a person
who had  tendency to disregard one's own invaluable contribution to society as significant.His great doings of little things made his life ultra great.Simple living and High thinking was his staple diet.He was the man of true wisdom. 

I'm sure everyone who knew SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY will have his or her own little anecdote that illustrates his unique personality. He was a person whose heart and head both worked at peak efficiency levels, all the time.And that resulted in a truly unique and remarkable philosophy of life.

This was another of his remarkable traits, When he helped someone, he never ever breathed a word about it to anyone else. There have been none among us who haven't known his kindness, yet he never went around broadcasting it.

He never used charity as a platform to gain publicity. Sometimes, he would even go to the extent of not letting the recipient know who the donor was.Such was the extent of his generosity. "expect the unexpected" just might have been coined for him.

His phenomenal achievement showed many of us that limitations were only in the mind. And that nothing was truly unattainable for those who dreamed big.But though he dreamed big, he was able to clearly distinguish between perception and reality.

He never let preset norms govern his vision, yet he worked night and day
familiarizing himself with every little nitty-gritty that constituted his
dreams constantly sifting the wheat from the chaff. This is how, as he put
it, even though he dreamed, none of his dreams turned into nightmares. And this is what gave him the courage to move from one orbit to the next despite tremendous odds.

Being optimist is the first thing he used to perform when he did any right
thing in his life. Besides optimist, he used  to speak and act positively so
he was  able to give the right example for his surroundings.

He was warm, loving, firm and straightforward. He had a way of accepting
whatever came his way with no more than a shrug. His deep faith carried him through what life had to offer. He pulled himself out of poverty with great drive and determination but he never forgot his roots.

He was seldom sick. He just wouldn't slow down. He always had a habit of checking pulse by himself, & if he found that anything is wrong, he himself used to call the doctor. Many of us
oftenly joked that he would be pushing all of us around the block in
wheelchairs as he jogged.

Our great-grand father faced and accepted all the pains and troubles,completed his karmas whole heartedly, waited patiently for the 'uttarayana punya kaala' and lead his journey towards ETERNITY.
It's as if he just woke up one morning and decided it was 'time',this amazing man, with hands and a heart larger
than life itself, passed away. Father of 11, grandfather, great-grandfather great-great-grand father of many, friend & guide of countless
individuals.This remarkable man touched all of our lives and we are better
for the experience.

If one has to describe his life in five words then they would be

Seva,  Saadhana ,Satsang, Surrender & smile

My great grandfather was just an antique little boy.

It's such a grand thing to be a great father of a father - that's why we
call him great grandfather.

Varalakshmi Mani

To my beloved GREAT GRANDDAD

                             I'm sorry for what happened. Never wrote lines for anyone..thought it would be good writing about a person you respect the most , the person who is loved by everyone!! I'm very proud to be great grand daughter of POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY. Had few memorable moments wit him, I remember the summer vacations I spent in ammama's place. Every evening he called all the children to his room and taught us devontional songs, he even used to tell short inspiring stories and at the end he gave sugar cubes(Kalkanda) to everyone.:):)
                            In our hearts we'll search to see you again. Cause theres always place where you still remain, but for now we'd like to share memories we have had with you, things you've taught us, things we've both been through. And the peaceful evenings when you were coming home to spend some time with your daughter Nagarathna and all of us. We loved to hear you talk and spend time with us.GRANDFATHER YOU ARE JUST AN ANTIQUE LITTLE BOY. You were kind-hearted and caring, whose spirit will forever live on. It's hard to believe, even now, that you are really gone.
So many memories will stick with us as time goes by and whenever we think of you we'll try not to cry. We will miss you dearly and think of you always.
And just one more thing we'd(mom, dad, brother and myself) like to say is that we love you forever.



My grandpa's house is the most cherished place, I would love to go since my childhood. This place is really heavenly  filled with love and affection of grandparents,uncles,aunts and cousins. I cherish most of the moments spent here during my childhood,holidays,festivals and functions. My grandmother had lots of patience and was capable in handling her house hold duties in spite of a large joint family. My grandfather was the power house of positive attitude, with a mighty will power and mega self confidence. He was a millionaire in principles  and values. He was also a silent and hard worker. He was an ardent follower and supporter of many spiritual missions. As we all know he was a true Gandhian and a freedom fighter. He loved to watch cricket and read  books. He had good knowledge about astrology as well. He was always up to date about the current affairs whether be it games,politics,business,shares.He was a great pillar of strength and support to his sons and sons-in-law, daughters and daughters-in -law. He was an asset of inspiration and motivation to all his grandchildren. He was like a father to my father. It is a great matter of pride for all of us to follow his footsteps and march ahead with his principles and policies to reach great heights in our lives. I strongly feel fortunate and blessed to be one of the granddaughters of this wonderful person, my grandfather  SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY.

               MISS YOU…………...GRANDPA

Vijaya Lakshmi M.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Thatha

How can u express your gratitude to a person who has been a
part of you all your life? For generations after generations has
lead u safely across this vast ocean we call life?
However we make a humble effort to express our love and
gratitude to Mr. POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY who has played
GRANDFATHER unlike no other.

Our grandparents are some of the best people in the world.
They always bring gifts every time they visit and are always
there to give us a big pat on the backs during our greatest
achievements...this one time i remember my father(Mr. G.
RAMESH BABU) still quotes him as his greatest inspiration and
made him the man he is today. Till today he admires my great
grandfather, and the one thing he remembers the most is the
parker pen that my great grandfather gifted him for his success
in his LLB examination and how he gave him the courage, and
will power to face the examination in its true form. My father
always remembers this pen of his as his luckiest and hopes to
pass on the wisdom that my father learnt from him during his
stay at his place down the ages. He says to be a mentor like
him is the most difficult job in the world and when the time is
right would do due justice to it, if not as good as him. True
enough I would never forget the time the happiness his eyes
truly showed and the love he showered on me when I told him
that I had achieved 91.1% in my intermediate and that he knew
that god has great plans for me. My very own brother(Mr G.
VAMSHI KRISHNA) tells me that when he was young and
mischievous out of love for my brother used to protect him and
cover up all his mishaps in front of others. Every time he would
go to my great grandfathers room, he would give my brother
cubed sugar which he loved more than any chocolate in the
world!! But now he realises that the sweetness in the sugar and
especially in my grandfather's love has spread through his
heart today and says that our grandfather is the reason he has
a sweet-tooth today!! and especially will remember our
grandfather with sweetness he has given him through the ages.
He even helped me and my mother(Mrs. G. JYOTHI) during our
time of need...we consider him as the only man who could be in
multiple places at once. I was fortunate that he held my hand
even before I was out in this world. He took such good care of
my mother during this time that she still remembers each and
every day that she spent at grands place. Upon asked about
her experience she still cant put them in words and says that it
was one of those times when the experience and the awe she
saw that the people of Bellary gave him was so overwhelming
that putting them into mere words would be an insult of sorts.
But this one she  constantly tells me that I too should try and be
a person like him...compassionate, intelligent, wise, admired,
looked upon by awe and gratitude not only by the family but the
entire town of Bellary-a place he considered home and families
living there his very own relatives. In this occasion I can say
that the whole of Bellary including all kith and kin of late Pola
Venkaiah Chetty has lost the KOHINOOR DIAMOND and that
nobody can replace him or his glory...though I never had a
chance to say anything to him. Given a chance this what my
family and I would convey to him:
I will always remember you because you were the most
inspirational man ever and you cared for me very much as I
did for you. You lived your life to the fullest in a way that not
many others would. Whereas many people would have their
ambitions set on having a successful job and a loving family,
you made sure that the lives of those around you were of
quality. You did this by donating endless charity to the needy
and you spread your knowledge of religion, morality and ethics
to others through your books and through speaking.

Your loving smile and gentle ways, in everything you'd do. You
were an angel from above; We thought the world of you.
But God seemed to have his own plans. He wanted you with
him. He took you from our loving arms, Never to be seen again.


Our hearts were truly breaking, And many tears did flow. Just
what it meant to loose you, No words could ever show.
We still come to visit you, where a headstone bears your name.
Our lives were changed forever, and will never be the same.
But we'll keep you in our memories, and in every waking
thought. You're loved and cherished everyday, and will never
be forgotten!
And although he never got the chance, I think in his own way
he was able to show us how important we all were to him. We
may no longer see him but we’ll always have these special
moments we shared with him. He will always have a special
place in our hearts and I want to be  thankful to god that I knew
a special man like my GREAT grandfather.


My thatha

    My thatha venkaiah chetty has a prime place in my life. He is a man who believes in " Simple living high thinking". The first thing when I getup in the morning I see thatha's photo which is placed right in front of my bed. It is a boon to me to have the liberty of sharing the same house. In every stage of my life I have learnt lot of lessons from him which is helping me a lot now. As a child whenever thatha corrected me I would feel he is giving the usual lecture. But now I have realised the importance of his words.He would always qoute proverbs and say small stories and relate them to the incidents that are happening in real. This upbringing has definitely moulded my character.I am very greatful to him.                       
      As a grandchild I would sometimes feel he has not pampered me. But, later i have realised that , a person has to be a little tough to bind somany family members and solve their problems. It is only because of this disciplined nature of him which has helped me and many of his grandchildren to organise their lives.
      Being the girl child of the house I had few limitations.It was a BIG challenge to me to take permission from thatha to do things which are a little out of way. I still remember the two incidents where I had to take permission from him. one was, to go to a ncc camp for a week and the otherone was to continue my studies after my degree in a co-education college. He is really a TOUGH MAN. I felt it was a great achievement of my life when I got his permission.
      There's one more thing which i would like to share about my thatha. I have observed that one of his nature is he would not be pleased easily. Whenever I made small achievements in my life I would proudly go to him to show my merits and he would always said ' you can do better '.This would make me wild sometimes.I would workhard to please him and this helped me to improve and grow.
      The best lesson my thatha taught me is to workhard, live in simlicity, eat healthy and simple food and give charity.I feel proud and greatful to be a part of his family.
                                                  -P.Sowmya jayanthi.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Small Remembrances

Not everyone will have great grand father, but I am lucky to have one, especially like him. How can I forget the day when I came from school, he welcomed me with a diary milk chocolate and a kiss which was more sweeter than the earlier. I used to play few games like ball, stick and hoops. He was always with me during celebrations.I  will miss him. I will surely talk about him to my kids and grandkids also.

Yours Lovingly
D/O Anand Pola

Vaikuntha Samaradhana

Vanitha Rajeshwar

From: Vanitha Rajeshwar <vanitha@vhpl.com>
To: rajani ramkumar <casaflora@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 11:36:08
Subject: condolences

Dear Rajani

My sincere condolences on the passing away of your father.
He has lived well and has always been surrounded by loved ones till the end.
May God give you and your family  strenth to bear this loss.

We pray that his soul may rest in peace.
I am there anytime you want me.

Your affectionately,

Mrs.Vanitha Rajeshwar

Bellary Sanmaraga Theosophical Society

The Hindu (Dated 20th Jan 2011)

Vijaya Karnataka (Dated 20th Jan 2011)

Eenadu (Dated 20th Jan 2011)

Sanje Vaani (Dated 19th Jan 2011)

The Giant Banyan Tree

I am Uday kiran, your grand son ( S/o. Om Prakash & Sri Lakshmi) it is my honor to be a part
of Pola family and especially as your grandson. No words can express your personality. I
have found many qualities of famous people all put together in you. This can't be explained or
expressed ,but I am very fortunate to experience my life with you from my birth till you left this
world, unfortunately it feels like we have lost an emperor who battled for 97 years, entered as a
single man army and now grown to more than 100+,

Such was his personality that I was one of the 100 creatures who lived in the shade of a giant
Banyan tree, but he was like that , that every one of the 100 felt that he or she was closest to him,
he had such a relationship with all of us, that I never taught two times to share my personal things
with him.

Following Mahatma Gandhi, Vivekananda, swamy Shiva nanda and many great people he lead
a life which was a example to many, I can still remember him holding my hand and introducing
to many swamijis,VIPS & guests, just by following the life style of simplicity in living, simplicity in
eating habits & simplicity in other activities he showed to the world that anyone can achieve their
goals in any aspect of their lives in this vast world., , Finally I can't forget the moments I spent
with u in my lifetime.

Second Gandhi

          My  great grandfather is a legend and a true Gandhian.  He was also a freedom fighter who actively participated in freedom struggle and he is a respected soul. His service to humanity and mankind is invariable and numerous. He is highly respected personality in the society of Bellary for the activities he undertook in bringing up the dalits and the lower caste people. He not only served the poor but also helped in maintaining equality amongst people through common dining where people of different caste and classes dined together. Being his great grand children we never had much interaction with him but all i remember is that when i was persuing my schooling he used to teach us to meditate and learn slokas and mantras in the evenings. Everyone believed that he will go strong to make a century but unfortunately he lost all his hope after the incident of falling from bed. We all loved and took great care of him specially Geeta coming from somewhere, becoming a part of our family and took such tender care. Your deeds make you role model not only to us but also everyone.  I personally believe that my grandpa is a second Gandhi.   

 I still cant believe that you left us but will promise to become a person like you in the future and try to achieve and maintain the status what you maintained.

Your beloved Great grandson
       Pola Karan Kumar

Pola Venkaiah Chetty (My Grandfather)

My Grandfather was one of the finest persons on earth. I consider him as an example to human race because he showed us to what heights perfection can be achieved in one's life. He spent all his life working hard to serve his children, grand children and great grand children with all comfort and luxuries. I often heard my dad's friends telling that whenever they asked my grandfather "Tataji you have done enough for your children,then why do you still work hard?" then he used to reply them "I have done only to my children but there is lot to do for my grand children." Every time I think of this, it fills my heart. We all owe our lives to him and yet we couldn't do anything to repay him.

Whenever I think of him I always remember one incidence "In my childhood I always feared waters. My parents were forcing me everyday to learn swimming, so they used to take me to the pool along with my grandfather. One day, I was sitting with my grandfather waiting for the car. Then, he asked "Why do you struggle so hard to learn swimming?" and I replied "Tata I really tried but couldn't learn". Then he said with a smile "You will surely learn it in 3 days and then you will be ready to compete with me". From that day it took me exactly three days to learn swimming. On the third day I was really surprised because one thing which I couldn't learn for 3 years..actually learnt in 3 days." From that day I believed that his words are not less than any god's words.

 I can hardly describe him but I use few lines to do it "NO HIM, NO LIFE...KNOW HIM, KNOW LIFE". My grandfather was the best person I have ever seen.

Arjun Pola

Thursday, January 20, 2011


dear tatha,
   I miss u very much! I always hoped for u to live upto a century..but, the tragedy  has touched my heart very deeply. U have inspired me in many ways. u have always been my role model. my mom keeps tellin me about ur struggles, hardwork, sincerity & ur achievement... im amazed by the simplicity of ur life...
    I remember the day u kissed my hand & gave me a chocolate. i remember the time wen me & u played catches with the ball! from the tym i was a small child, wenever i seeked ur blessing, u have always told me to becum a doctor. I've not yet planned my career.but, if i become a doctor, i'll feel happy for fulfilling ur wish! The saddest part is that u left us on mutha avva's birthday! :'( i weeped a lot wen u passed away.
     The credit for the fame of the POLA family goes only & only to u. i feel proud & blessed to be a part of the family constructed by u. Im lucky to have spent time wid u all these years, which the upcoming future generation cannot! though u r not present physically, u r always immortal in our minds, guiding us in our lives. 
                                                                              miss u very much,
                                                                             LUV U LOADDSSS....!!!
                                                                            ur greatgrand daughter,

to my great grandpa

dear muthata,
    I am rakshith, the son of Udaykiran.I feel very sad that ur death day was on mutha avva's birthday. If u meet muttaavva, say my wishes to her. i miss u a lot muthata! muthata, y did u leave us & go?? where ever u r, be happy muthatha!
                                                                                         love u a lot,


Tatha i love u and i miss u a lot you are really great and you are in our hearts forever u r a moral for us and u have left us and went but we all miss u and we care for u we remember u forever and u r there in everyones heart i remember the day wen we played together that is u played football and we played catches with each other and also i remember wen u kissed me on my hand and gave me chocolate and i had pushed your wheel chair and had given u training to move your hands and the day wen u told my name and saw me with open eyes i love u so so so so so much
and i miss u  lot and u died on the day of muthavva's birthday and u left us and went to celebrate her bday but u r always in our hearts and i miss u and u also inspired us at the last moment too by donating ur u eyes and u r a star.
I do three things everyday that is; miss you, miss you, and miss you.
A day without you is like a day without sunshine… I miss you a lot…
and i am a fish without water without u 
east or west u r the best tatha.
love u lot
with lots and lots of luv 
your great grand child
saketh pola






             HAPPY BIRTHDAY

WITH LOVE<3..<3..<3..

You are so nice



Tatha I Love You!!!

Tatha I miss you very much. I love you. You are so good!! I still remember the day when we played football, catching the ball etc and I was really happy when you told my name. We really miss you. You are the best tatha in the whole universe.
Everyone in the world loves you very much.
Why did you go?? Please reply me... Please come back.

I LOVE YOU!!<3 <3
Sunetra Pola

Miss You Tatha...


The end of a GREAT ERA.

On 19th January 2011, the Bhishma Pitamah of POLA family departed to the heavenly abode.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blind Men and the Elephant

Dear Thatha,
I would like to share with you some of experiences in growing up under your umbrella.
first of all its heartening to see all the blogs written about you, your blogs reminds me of the story of the blind men and the elephant each of them describe you in various ways that they saw you but no one can completely describe you, your contemporaries have long gone off and neitheir can we relate to some of the things shared by aunt's and cousins but there is one thread that nobody can deny be it your contemporaries or our generation that you have a Samurai like discipline which if we implement even fraction of it in our lives will make us achieve extraordinary  results, let me share something since when I was conscious of what was happening around me not even a single day I have seen you change your diet or break from your routine (not everyone can be a diabetic for 40 years and keep the body fit as you did) not once I have seen you stop your activities for health reasons or fitness reasons neither I have seen you procrastinate things ,I cant keep my resolution of not having sweets for a day and if I work for more than 5 days continously I need a break badly, the thing that I like the most about your way of life is that I have never seen you complain or crib about things not happening your way you have just gone ahead and did what ever you wanted to in the process the whole of the family fell in line with your thought process no management guru can teach this better than the way you did through your way of life, you have complete track of what's happening in our lives be it our parents, children, health, business, properties you had an eagle eye on all our activities. 
Going back to the time when you fractured your leg the whole of Bellary's leading Doctors sprung into action trying to ascertain the best treatment that they can offer everyone were anxious about it one of them rightly said you are the Bhishma Pitamah of Bellary not just us.
Some of your peers from the village you came from describe you of how you used to travel almost 20 Kms from Molagavallil to Alur barefoot just to study under the street lights in Alur, how you lived all your life independently despite of loosing your parents in your early age the most fascinating thing about you is in spite of having 11 Children to look after and the heavy responsibility in raising them you found time for various community service activities almost any classic buildings built in Bellary be it Raghava Kala Mandir, Centenary hall, Gandhi Bhavan, Vasavi hall.. the list goes on and on... you were one of the founder patrons and led from the front in completing them, the last ones being as late as 2003(your age of 90) when you completed the 'Kalayana Bhavan' behind the house single handedly sitting on that poor 'Ambu' Mason to get things done. I have never seen you asking money or asking help from someone or taking personal favours from someone to achieve your individual needs...even the buildings that you constructed as late as 2003 you never asked a single pie from your children or grand children is inspiring. 

On the personal front I hardly had any intimate relationship with you nor I have shared any personal feelings with you, its understandable I am one of the 100+ children, Grand children, Great Grand Children. I have struggled to understand you I still remember the day when grandma died not a single drop shed from your eyes one thing I can understand you were an introvert, I am fortunate to be your grandson your life taught me more than your words (In Bhagvad Gita they say KARMAYOGI ). I guess you represent this class.
I sincererly hope and pray you get better soon
With loving regards,
Vikram Pola