Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blind Men and the Elephant

Dear Thatha,
I would like to share with you some of experiences in growing up under your umbrella.
first of all its heartening to see all the blogs written about you, your blogs reminds me of the story of the blind men and the elephant each of them describe you in various ways that they saw you but no one can completely describe you, your contemporaries have long gone off and neitheir can we relate to some of the things shared by aunt's and cousins but there is one thread that nobody can deny be it your contemporaries or our generation that you have a Samurai like discipline which if we implement even fraction of it in our lives will make us achieve extraordinary  results, let me share something since when I was conscious of what was happening around me not even a single day I have seen you change your diet or break from your routine (not everyone can be a diabetic for 40 years and keep the body fit as you did) not once I have seen you stop your activities for health reasons or fitness reasons neither I have seen you procrastinate things ,I cant keep my resolution of not having sweets for a day and if I work for more than 5 days continously I need a break badly, the thing that I like the most about your way of life is that I have never seen you complain or crib about things not happening your way you have just gone ahead and did what ever you wanted to in the process the whole of the family fell in line with your thought process no management guru can teach this better than the way you did through your way of life, you have complete track of what's happening in our lives be it our parents, children, health, business, properties you had an eagle eye on all our activities. 
Going back to the time when you fractured your leg the whole of Bellary's leading Doctors sprung into action trying to ascertain the best treatment that they can offer everyone were anxious about it one of them rightly said you are the Bhishma Pitamah of Bellary not just us.
Some of your peers from the village you came from describe you of how you used to travel almost 20 Kms from Molagavallil to Alur barefoot just to study under the street lights in Alur, how you lived all your life independently despite of loosing your parents in your early age the most fascinating thing about you is in spite of having 11 Children to look after and the heavy responsibility in raising them you found time for various community service activities almost any classic buildings built in Bellary be it Raghava Kala Mandir, Centenary hall, Gandhi Bhavan, Vasavi hall.. the list goes on and on... you were one of the founder patrons and led from the front in completing them, the last ones being as late as 2003(your age of 90) when you completed the 'Kalayana Bhavan' behind the house single handedly sitting on that poor 'Ambu' Mason to get things done. I have never seen you asking money or asking help from someone or taking personal favours from someone to achieve your individual needs...even the buildings that you constructed as late as 2003 you never asked a single pie from your children or grand children is inspiring. 

On the personal front I hardly had any intimate relationship with you nor I have shared any personal feelings with you, its understandable I am one of the 100+ children, Grand children, Great Grand Children. I have struggled to understand you I still remember the day when grandma died not a single drop shed from your eyes one thing I can understand you were an introvert, I am fortunate to be your grandson your life taught me more than your words (In Bhagvad Gita they say KARMAYOGI ). I guess you represent this class.
I sincererly hope and pray you get better soon
With loving regards,
Vikram Pola

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