Thursday, January 20, 2011


dear tatha,
   I miss u very much! I always hoped for u to live upto a century..but, the tragedy  has touched my heart very deeply. U have inspired me in many ways. u have always been my role model. my mom keeps tellin me about ur struggles, hardwork, sincerity & ur achievement... im amazed by the simplicity of ur life...
    I remember the day u kissed my hand & gave me a chocolate. i remember the time wen me & u played catches with the ball! from the tym i was a small child, wenever i seeked ur blessing, u have always told me to becum a doctor. I've not yet planned my career.but, if i become a doctor, i'll feel happy for fulfilling ur wish! The saddest part is that u left us on mutha avva's birthday! :'( i weeped a lot wen u passed away.
     The credit for the fame of the POLA family goes only & only to u. i feel proud & blessed to be a part of the family constructed by u. Im lucky to have spent time wid u all these years, which the upcoming future generation cannot! though u r not present physically, u r always immortal in our minds, guiding us in our lives. 
                                                                              miss u very much,
                                                                             LUV U LOADDSSS....!!!
                                                                            ur greatgrand daughter,

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