Saturday, January 29, 2011


The life and functioning style of pujya Late SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY was a saga of human excellence. He was karma yogin to the core and always guided by his own consciousness and intellect. He shuns idle talk and always believes in hard work with discipline and dedication. He was a parama bhaktha in essence and digested Geeta sara, which manifested in all his actions.

His gruhasthashrama is a guide and an eye opener to all his successors. His business life started with a paltry sum and he toiled hard and expanded it to the present stage. His marriage with Smt.Balalakshmamma, who brought all the fortunes to him and he is blessed with Lakshmi kataksha from the day she (his sahadharma charini) entered his life.

His indomitable spirit and confidence in the ultimate reality sustained him in the tragic events faced in his own life. He was never depressed or suppressed by the play of the destiny and believed Geeta shloka:
Ananyaa chintayantho mam
Ye janah paryupasate
Teshaam Nityabhi yukthanam
Yoga kshemam Vahamyaham.

He was a Gandhian from head to toe and also a three dimensioned personality. He is aware of his responsibilities towards the society he lives and contributed his might and wealth to its service. He was actively involved in the establishment and smooth functioning of many institutions including Raghava Kala Mandir and Vasavi Kalyana Mandiram. His preference to "Service above self" was so much that it made him to start "Pola Balalakshmamma Kalyana Bhavan" at his own residential premises.

He strived for the upliftment of the Harijans. He regularly served food and clothes to the people at the leprosy colony.

He is fond of Guru seva with shraddha and bhakthi and was the cause of the establishment of Shivananda Ashram, Bellary even at the ripen age of 85. He is an epitome of simple living and high thinking, never tempted to exposures of wealth.
He trained his family members also in a similar fashion and he inspired them to serve humanity and love the less privilaged.

Let us re-dedicate our lives to emulate his noble example and feel his chaitanya around us. We pray may his soul rest in peace.

-Gondi Keshava Lakshmi Narayana

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