Friday, January 28, 2011

Our beloved tatha

“The measure of a man’s greatness is not the number of servants he had, but
the number of people he served”

It is not possible to describe the true genius of our THATHA in a couple of words.

As Bheeshmacharya was known as “pithamahaa”, such that we call our beloved
great grandfather “SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY” as “pithamahaa” of pola family.

 Without a shadow of a doubt, my great grandfather is the single most
influential person in many of our lives. He was a corporate visionary an
unmatched strategist, a leader of men , an architect of success, a sweet

His life journey is reminiscent of the rags to riches story,he was a person
who had  tendency to disregard one's own invaluable contribution to society as significant.His great doings of little things made his life ultra great.Simple living and High thinking was his staple diet.He was the man of true wisdom. 

I'm sure everyone who knew SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY will have his or her own little anecdote that illustrates his unique personality. He was a person whose heart and head both worked at peak efficiency levels, all the time.And that resulted in a truly unique and remarkable philosophy of life.

This was another of his remarkable traits, When he helped someone, he never ever breathed a word about it to anyone else. There have been none among us who haven't known his kindness, yet he never went around broadcasting it.

He never used charity as a platform to gain publicity. Sometimes, he would even go to the extent of not letting the recipient know who the donor was.Such was the extent of his generosity. "expect the unexpected" just might have been coined for him.

His phenomenal achievement showed many of us that limitations were only in the mind. And that nothing was truly unattainable for those who dreamed big.But though he dreamed big, he was able to clearly distinguish between perception and reality.

He never let preset norms govern his vision, yet he worked night and day
familiarizing himself with every little nitty-gritty that constituted his
dreams constantly sifting the wheat from the chaff. This is how, as he put
it, even though he dreamed, none of his dreams turned into nightmares. And this is what gave him the courage to move from one orbit to the next despite tremendous odds.

Being optimist is the first thing he used to perform when he did any right
thing in his life. Besides optimist, he used  to speak and act positively so
he was  able to give the right example for his surroundings.

He was warm, loving, firm and straightforward. He had a way of accepting
whatever came his way with no more than a shrug. His deep faith carried him through what life had to offer. He pulled himself out of poverty with great drive and determination but he never forgot his roots.

He was seldom sick. He just wouldn't slow down. He always had a habit of checking pulse by himself, & if he found that anything is wrong, he himself used to call the doctor. Many of us
oftenly joked that he would be pushing all of us around the block in
wheelchairs as he jogged.

Our great-grand father faced and accepted all the pains and troubles,completed his karmas whole heartedly, waited patiently for the 'uttarayana punya kaala' and lead his journey towards ETERNITY.
It's as if he just woke up one morning and decided it was 'time',this amazing man, with hands and a heart larger
than life itself, passed away. Father of 11, grandfather, great-grandfather great-great-grand father of many, friend & guide of countless
individuals.This remarkable man touched all of our lives and we are better
for the experience.

If one has to describe his life in five words then they would be

Seva,  Saadhana ,Satsang, Surrender & smile

My great grandfather was just an antique little boy.

It's such a grand thing to be a great father of a father - that's why we
call him great grandfather.

Varalakshmi Mani

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