Sunday, January 23, 2011

Second Gandhi

          My  great grandfather is a legend and a true Gandhian.  He was also a freedom fighter who actively participated in freedom struggle and he is a respected soul. His service to humanity and mankind is invariable and numerous. He is highly respected personality in the society of Bellary for the activities he undertook in bringing up the dalits and the lower caste people. He not only served the poor but also helped in maintaining equality amongst people through common dining where people of different caste and classes dined together. Being his great grand children we never had much interaction with him but all i remember is that when i was persuing my schooling he used to teach us to meditate and learn slokas and mantras in the evenings. Everyone believed that he will go strong to make a century but unfortunately he lost all his hope after the incident of falling from bed. We all loved and took great care of him specially Geeta coming from somewhere, becoming a part of our family and took such tender care. Your deeds make you role model not only to us but also everyone.  I personally believe that my grandpa is a second Gandhi.   

 I still cant believe that you left us but will promise to become a person like you in the future and try to achieve and maintain the status what you maintained.

Your beloved Great grandson
       Pola Karan Kumar

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