Saturday, January 29, 2011


As the saying goes “Simple living and high thinking”, the simpler we live our lives the more truth we’ll have in our world,
The more love,
The more respect,
The more care…
This is what I have learnt from my Grand Father SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY. I can undoubtedly tell that he’s the only person I have ever come across who has made full justice to the word ‘SIMPLICITY’. He started wearing khadi at the age of 16 and he lived up to his decision till the last day.
I am running out of words to talk about him. I remember the words he told me when I was a kid “Always stretch your arm forward to give and never talk about it” and he lived his entire life just that way. Am sure that I’ll live up to his expectations and make him proud. All the scoldings I had had from him moulded me to tackle with the life’s hurdles single handedly and stay strong.
He was both my Grandpa (dad’s side) and my Great Grandpa (mom’s side) but always played the role of a father first, not just for me but my entire family.
He was the guide and tutor to all his siblings and their siblings and also to the people of Bellary. I wanted to share so much with him but I was always apprehensive to approach him because I doubted if I could ever match up to his stringent principles, to his wisdom, to his knowledge. His service towards the society and his charitable attitude proves him to be a real legend and a true Gandhian.
“When I hear somebody sigh, Life is hard I am always tempted to ask, Compared to what?” was his attitude. I’ve never seen him go weak even during Grand mom’s death, he accepted it as God’s command and never complained.
He was a true disciple of Swami Vivekananda and never went against his principles. I saw him as a person in my Grandpa. He was no less than God and his room no less than a temple and those positive vibes that you garnered when you met him were the proof. 
As they say that a book cannot be read  if held too close to one’s eyes is just what am going through right now, he’s so close to my heart that I feel there is lots to tell about him but yet there’s nothing left. He’s just gone, a little shining star of the sky now, and we all have to move on.
Last but not the least, we miss you grandpa and you’ll always be a part of our lives. You are the only person I always worship and admire and will do it till my last breath. Love u Grandpa..         
-  Pooja  Pola

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