Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Thatha

How can u express your gratitude to a person who has been a
part of you all your life? For generations after generations has
lead u safely across this vast ocean we call life?
However we make a humble effort to express our love and
gratitude to Mr. POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY who has played
GRANDFATHER unlike no other.

Our grandparents are some of the best people in the world.
They always bring gifts every time they visit and are always
there to give us a big pat on the backs during our greatest
achievements...this one time i remember my father(Mr. G.
RAMESH BABU) still quotes him as his greatest inspiration and
made him the man he is today. Till today he admires my great
grandfather, and the one thing he remembers the most is the
parker pen that my great grandfather gifted him for his success
in his LLB examination and how he gave him the courage, and
will power to face the examination in its true form. My father
always remembers this pen of his as his luckiest and hopes to
pass on the wisdom that my father learnt from him during his
stay at his place down the ages. He says to be a mentor like
him is the most difficult job in the world and when the time is
right would do due justice to it, if not as good as him. True
enough I would never forget the time the happiness his eyes
truly showed and the love he showered on me when I told him
that I had achieved 91.1% in my intermediate and that he knew
that god has great plans for me. My very own brother(Mr G.
VAMSHI KRISHNA) tells me that when he was young and
mischievous out of love for my brother used to protect him and
cover up all his mishaps in front of others. Every time he would
go to my great grandfathers room, he would give my brother
cubed sugar which he loved more than any chocolate in the
world!! But now he realises that the sweetness in the sugar and
especially in my grandfather's love has spread through his
heart today and says that our grandfather is the reason he has
a sweet-tooth today!! and especially will remember our
grandfather with sweetness he has given him through the ages.
He even helped me and my mother(Mrs. G. JYOTHI) during our
time of need...we consider him as the only man who could be in
multiple places at once. I was fortunate that he held my hand
even before I was out in this world. He took such good care of
my mother during this time that she still remembers each and
every day that she spent at grands place. Upon asked about
her experience she still cant put them in words and says that it
was one of those times when the experience and the awe she
saw that the people of Bellary gave him was so overwhelming
that putting them into mere words would be an insult of sorts.
But this one she  constantly tells me that I too should try and be
a person like him...compassionate, intelligent, wise, admired,
looked upon by awe and gratitude not only by the family but the
entire town of Bellary-a place he considered home and families
living there his very own relatives. In this occasion I can say
that the whole of Bellary including all kith and kin of late Pola
Venkaiah Chetty has lost the KOHINOOR DIAMOND and that
nobody can replace him or his glory...though I never had a
chance to say anything to him. Given a chance this what my
family and I would convey to him:
I will always remember you because you were the most
inspirational man ever and you cared for me very much as I
did for you. You lived your life to the fullest in a way that not
many others would. Whereas many people would have their
ambitions set on having a successful job and a loving family,
you made sure that the lives of those around you were of
quality. You did this by donating endless charity to the needy
and you spread your knowledge of religion, morality and ethics
to others through your books and through speaking.

Your loving smile and gentle ways, in everything you'd do. You
were an angel from above; We thought the world of you.
But God seemed to have his own plans. He wanted you with
him. He took you from our loving arms, Never to be seen again.


Our hearts were truly breaking, And many tears did flow. Just
what it meant to loose you, No words could ever show.
We still come to visit you, where a headstone bears your name.
Our lives were changed forever, and will never be the same.
But we'll keep you in our memories, and in every waking
thought. You're loved and cherished everyday, and will never
be forgotten!
And although he never got the chance, I think in his own way
he was able to show us how important we all were to him. We
may no longer see him but we’ll always have these special
moments we shared with him. He will always have a special
place in our hearts and I want to be  thankful to god that I knew
a special man like my GREAT grandfather.


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