Friday, January 28, 2011


My grandpa's house is the most cherished place, I would love to go since my childhood. This place is really heavenly  filled with love and affection of grandparents,uncles,aunts and cousins. I cherish most of the moments spent here during my childhood,holidays,festivals and functions. My grandmother had lots of patience and was capable in handling her house hold duties in spite of a large joint family. My grandfather was the power house of positive attitude, with a mighty will power and mega self confidence. He was a millionaire in principles  and values. He was also a silent and hard worker. He was an ardent follower and supporter of many spiritual missions. As we all know he was a true Gandhian and a freedom fighter. He loved to watch cricket and read  books. He had good knowledge about astrology as well. He was always up to date about the current affairs whether be it games,politics,business,shares.He was a great pillar of strength and support to his sons and sons-in-law, daughters and daughters-in -law. He was an asset of inspiration and motivation to all his grandchildren. He was like a father to my father. It is a great matter of pride for all of us to follow his footsteps and march ahead with his principles and policies to reach great heights in our lives. I strongly feel fortunate and blessed to be one of the granddaughters of this wonderful person, my grandfather  SRI POLA VENKAIAH CHETTY.

               MISS YOU…………...GRANDPA

Vijaya Lakshmi M.

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